
Viktor van Niekerk Editions

Viktor van Niekerk Editions (for 10-string guitar)

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“a conscious artist, with a total understanding of the ten-string guitar as envisioned by Narciso Yepes.” (Fritz Buss, alumnus and teaching assistant of Narciso Yepes)

“an exceedingly gifted, sensitive and intelligent musician, artist and … an extremely talented and promising scholar who has been conducting valuable research in all the disciplines of his specialisations. This very talented young man has undoubtedly a promising future in his field.” (G. Florian Messner, composer and PhD in Musicology [University of Vienna])

“the potential to illuminate the conception, realization and ‘consumption’ of music in entirely unusual ways … this exceptionally gifted [PhD] candidate deserves all encouragement and support possible … an important and most innovative study.” (Prof. Martina Viljoen, Odeion School of Music)

“I was impressed by the strength and richness he played with. He is a great artist who knows how to play with the colors of sound with great mastery.” (Amalia Ramirez, Guitarras José Ramirez)

“a water colour-like transparent palette … intimate understanding of the repertoire and … innovative transcriptions … As a young guitarist in South Africa, he has no equal. His dedication to the 10-string guitar runs parallel to the great Narciso Yepes.” (Charl Lamprecht, University of Pretoria)

“Viktor van Niekerk demonstrated an orchestral array of sounds on the formidable 10 string guitar; playing many of his own transcriptions for the instrument” (What’s On in Cape Town, 5 May 2013).

“When his fingers glide across the ten strings, it is with the same finesse and flair as an Olympic athlete in action.” (Rapport, [South African Sunday paper] 5 Sep. 2008, p. 3.)

“I am convinced that Mr Van Niekerk will make a strong contribution not only to the academic community but also to broader society.” (Prof. Mike Marais, Rhodes University)

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