

Mod developer for the open-source transport tycoon game OpenTTD

2TallTyler tiene 0 mecenas.



I'm a computer science student and a creator of NewGRFs (mods) for the open-source transport tycoon game OpenTTD. I aim to create NewGRFs which are simple to use but add new and interesting gameplay.

I've spent nearly a decade working in railroad museums and heritage railroads, and am a qualified steam locomotive fireman. I'm now going back to school for a career change.

Donating will help support me through college and allow me to devote time toward creating new content.



Cuentas enlazadas

2TallTyler posee las siguientes cuentas en otras plataformas:


improved_town_industries Estrellas 22 Actualizada esta semana

An industry replacement set for OpenTTD.

plaza_ind Estrellas 0 Actualizada hace 10 meses

Plaza as Industry: A single-tile industry to generate passengers in OpenTTD. Useful for eye-candy builds.

itl_houses Estrellas 30 Actualizada hace 10 meses

A house replacement set for OpenTTD. Formerly known as Improved Town Layouts.

canalboats Estrellas 5 Actualizada hace 2 años

Sal's Canalboats is an OpenTTD vehicle set for transporting cargo during the early industrial revolution.

beach_ind Estrellas 1 Actualizada hace 2 años

Beach as Industry: Quast65's beach object tiles, coded as an industry for passenger production. For OpenTTD.

town_names Estrellas 0 Actualizada hace 3 años

A variety of OpenTTD town name sets.

garbage_trucks Estrellas 0 Actualizada hace 4 años

What has six wheels and flies? A garbage truck set for OpenTTD.


2TallTyler se unió hace 4 años.

2TallTyler no revela cuánto recibe a través de Liberapay.