
David Pollack

I was ostracized by the school, medical, and religious systems. I speak/blog to help others for free

El objetivo de Acquire_Potential es recibir $600.00 por semana.
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Hello and welcome to my Patreon! This is David Pollack (Founder) :D

I was ostracized by the school, medical, and religious systems early on in my life. I overcame serious difficulties, and I know I'm not alone. Now I blog and speak on life and success, to help people conquer unforgettable barriers.

I don't want anyone to go through what I went through, and my only request is that I am enabled to do that by people who share my desire for improving other people's lives.

Literally the only thing separating Acquire Potential from being a Non-Profit Corporation, is that there is no "Board of Directors" telling me how to operate. This is MY mission, and I'm not selling anything.

Donating will support me as full-time educator of those who are struggling with life's most dangerous and sticky obstacles. I eventually want to earn enough in donations to travel around the country and visit small town schools/hospitals/police stations and tell my story of being bullied, manipulated, experimented upon and isolated. My current goal right now is 600 a week, and that will enable me to pay my bills and create educational content full-time.

If you don't feel like donating today, something that can really help, is sharing my blog posts on your social media account so more people can benefit from what I have to say online. Find them here if you are unfamiliar with my site:

Philanthropists like you are why organizations like Wikipedia, the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, and the YMCA are able to continue operations.

Here are my goals for the site:

Remain advertisement and distraction free (through donations and refraining from selling courses or paid membership access).
Work full-time on researching, blogging, and speaking at college's. 
Blog in serious depth and breadth about the world's worst problems and how we as individuals can overcome them.

--If you knew that you could do a small good deed, and it would directly fight Obesity, Heart Failure, Mental Illness, Unemployment, and Homelessness, what's stopping you from taking action?--

The more that is donated, the more I can travel and pay for advertisements to spread the word. I want to reach people who truly need to hear what I have to say. I want to reach those who are in a similar position I was in, and get them out of it.

Thank you so much for reading! Have a great day, and if you have any questions or feedback I am available at <>.


Acquire_Potential se unió hace 4 años.

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