
Daniel Kovacs at ProBono

Help Us Help the World with ProBono

El objetivo de ProBono es recibir EUR10.00 por semana.
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Help us help thousands of organisations around the world make a difference.

Meet ProBono!

Our mission is to connect developers with charitable and non-profit organisations.


From its release, ProBono will provide a platform where developers can find projects by well-known and respected organisations. We'll provide you with the necessary tools and knowledge to donate your time to these projects and help make Our World a better place.

To find out how exactly we're going to achieve this, read this blog post about ProBono!

Cuentas enlazadas

ProBono posee las siguientes cuentas en otras plataformas:


ProBono se unió hace 5 años.

Ingresos Semanales (en euro)

Número de Mecenas Por Semana