

Freelance artist. Food illustrations and Portraits.

Synobbol recibe EUR0.00 semanalmente de 0 mecenas.
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Hi! I’m a french freelance artist who draws traditional and digital food illustrations and portraits. I use watercolors, colour pencils or ballpoint pen for my traditional work and a graphic tablet with Krita for digital artworks.

Liberapay respects our data privacy and I think is a good free/libre alternative for people to support my work. I would also like to create free/libre illustrations, it would be a way for me to participate in this mouvement.

If you want to discover more of my univers, you can check my website made by myself.

Oh! and if you are interested, I sell originals on Artmajeur.

See you soon!

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Synobbol se unió hace 4 años.

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