


egypturnash tiene 0 mecenas.


I'm a trans lady who makes SF/F comics. Sometimes they include queer people.

I recently finished Decrypting Rita, about a lesbian robot with Philip K. Dick problems.

My current projects are Five Glasses of Absinthe (NSFW), a furry sex fantasy about very smart people making very bad decisions, and The Drowning City, about a girl slowly turning into a monster while elves invade New Orleans.

All of this stuff is posted free on the internet, and supported by folks like you.

Your reward for your support is mostly that I keep drawing the comics I want to draw, instead of getting a job cranking out Dudes Punching for a big corporation. You may also see WIPs, high-res copies of lavish spreads, and other little things like that. But mostly you just see new pages a little bit before everyone else.

I also occasionally do short pieces for anthologies; you'll get to see those too.

If I actually start promoting this payment avenue I'll put some art here I guess?

actually I probably won't use this because it seems to be all about Pay Me Every Week when I am a big fan of Patreon's Pay Me When I Make Stuff model, I may start using this if that gets added, dunno


egypturnash se unió hace 6 años.

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