

Well-unknown Python/C developer

hatkidchan tiene 0 mecenas.


Hi! I'm just yet another unknown developer, all I do is just creating everything I'm interested in. For more information, check my GitHub, most of my work I publish there, and I hope at least someone may find it interesting {and,or} useful I don't know why you may want to donate me anything, but if you ever do it, I hope that was for some reason. Don't spend your precious earnings on some random people c:

Cuentas enlazadas

hatkidchan posee las siguientes cuentas en otras plataformas:


mastoposter Estrellas 24 Actualizada hace 2 semanas

Mastodon to [anything] reposter. Anything being {Telegram, Discord} for now.

yaitaa Estrellas 8 Actualizada hace 2 años

yummy-yummy ANSI art


hatkidchan se unió hace 3 años.

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