

About Omni

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Greetings Everyone

I go by the name of Omni, i'm from Greece and also avid gamer of adventure and mmorpg genre.

The very first pc gaming experience was at the age of 9 when i got my hands on an Amstrad CPC6128 and was amazed with the whole process of running and playing a game.

Since then, i played alot, i learned alot but all these haven't come to an end. On the contrary, i like playing video games even if my daily schedule is filled with IRL stuff.

This is part of a project which will allow to:

  • "Unhook" myself from privacy-invading and toxic platforms, such as YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Discord, Twitch, Reddit, Windows etc.

  • At the same time, use decentralized, open source and privacy friendly tools and platforms in order to make some decent content.

Cuentas enlazadas

omniscion posee las siguientes cuentas en otras plataformas:


omniscion se unió hace 2 años.

Ingresos Semanales (en euro)

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