
Further the development of the Qooxdoo JavaScript Framework recibe CHF0.00 semanalmente de 0 mecenas.
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Qooxdoo (pronounced ['kuksdu:]) is a universal JavaScript framework for creating enterprise-grade single-page web applications. With its class-based object orientation, Qooxdoo allows the code of even the most complex applications well organized and manageable. The integrated compiler produces single file applications ready for deployment.

Qooxdoo was originally developed by one of the world's leading web hosters: 1&1 Internet (now part of United Internet AG). In late 2015, the Qooxdoo framework with all its assets, was turned over to the Qooxdoo association, located in Switzerland. Qooxdoo development has, since then, been lead by a group of dedicated developers congregating on gitter and github.

Historial se unió hace 3 años.

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